Start2Camp CCA

How to do it: optimal sun protection!

23 May, 2019

The sun’s rays sting your skin as your feet dangle freely in the pool. Your hair flutters in a cooling breeze. You could do this all summer. On holiday, the sun can be your best friend, but too much sun isn’t good for you. So don’t forget that sunscreen! These days, you can even buy special UV-resistant clothing to protect you. I’ve researched the best ways to keep you and your family 100% UV proof all summer long.

Because too much sun can cause a lot of damage, which I’m sure you know all too well. One bright pink sunburn may be fairly harmless, but the consequences of regular and prolonged sun exposure certainly aren’t. That’s the road to permanent skin damage and even a higher risk of skin cancer, o protecting yourself – and especially your children – should be a priority. A child’s skin is extra sensitive, has a harder time recovering after burns and there often suffers subcutaneous damage. But why are these glorious rays of sunshine so harmful?

Give your kids extra protection from the sun

UV radiation

It’s all down to the ultraviolet radiation (UV radiation) that’s in the sunlight. The stronger the UV radiation is, the more effect it has on your skin. The strength of the UV radiation depends on:

  • UV index: the higher the sun is in the sky, the stronger the UV index. In the summer months, the sun is at its strongest between 12:00 pm and 3:00 pm.
  • Cloud cover: thick cloud cover can (partially) block UV radiation, but beware: thin cloud cover (or mist) does not!
  • Reflection: why do you tan (or burn) faster by the water? UV radiation is enhanced by reflection from sand and water (by 10 to 20%)!
  • Ozone layer: this atmospheric layer protects the earth against UV radiation, but the ozone layer is getting thinner and thinner, so it’s blocking less and less UV radiation.

Sunscreen, smart clothes, and shade

How can we best protect ourselves from the sun without having to stay inside all day? Because let’s face it, the sun also has plenty of positive effects and makes life a lot more cheerful and fun – especially on holiday! Getting plenty of sunshine on your campsite in Spain, France, or Croatia? Fortunately, there’s no reason to panic, because enjoying the sun and protecting yourself can go hand in hand.

Use the motto: sunscreen, smart clothes, and shade. Are you heading out in the sun? Then apply sunscreen or wear protective (and UV-resistant) clothing. And make sure to spend some time in the shade so that your body can get up to temperature and your skin can recover.

Enjoying the beautiful sunshine and staying fully protected? No problem!


Sunscreen is still the number one protector, but applying it once is no guarantee of long-term protection. People often don’t reapply regularly enough or use too little. Follow these tips and you’ll avoid that mistake:

  • Apply sunscreen before you get out in the sun. This allows the sunscreen to absorb properly.
  • Reapply every two hours!
  • Use plenty of sunscreen for every application.
  • Don’t forget you nose, ears, and lips.
  • Have you been in the water? Then it’s time to reapply.
  • Apply sunscreen to children before they get dressed. That way you can be sure that you won’t miss any spots and avoid stains.
  • Use at least SPF 30 for children and keep babies completely out of the sun.

There’s even special sunscreen available for kids, often with less additives like fragrance. It’s a particularly good option for sensitive baby skin. But not every child likes to be greased up every two hours, even though their skin is the most vulnerable. That’s one reason why UV-resistant clothing is a great addition to your sun protection arsenal.

Smart clothes

Sunglasses and hats are probably already part of your standard beach equipment, but regular clothing can also offer sun protection. Just like sunscreen, clothing protects your skin from sunburn. But there’s a big difference between regular clothing and special UV-resistant clothing. Take a look at the example below where we compare the UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) of two t-shirts.

UV-resistant clothing blocks up to 98% of UV radiation

For example, a simple white T-shirt has a sunburn factor of UPF 15+, while UV-resistant clothing with UPF 50+ blocks up to 98% of UV radiation. The skin under the UV clothing no longer needs to be protected with sunscreen, just whatever isn’t covered by the fabric. It’s perfect for those water bugs who want to spend the day splashing and swimming. And the latest UV clothing is also light, comfortable, and often quick-drying.

UV Fashions

One of the largest suppliers of fashionable UV clothing and UV accessories is UV Fashions, founded by Dutchman Jan-Willem van der Sterre. Unfortunately, the idea was born of grief, as Jan-Willem’s father died of skin cancer. But that’s why the company is now fully committed to making safe sunbathing an option for everyone.

UV Fashions

They have a wide range of UV-repellent clothing and accessories on offer, and UV Fashions imports the highest quality brands, such as Coolibar, Playshoes, Beach & Bandits, Molo, and Snapper Rock. Want to see more from their collection? Then take a look at the UV Fashions website!

What are you doing?

How are you making sure that you and your family can enjoy the sun? Are you going to make ‘sunscreen, smart clothes, shade’ your new summer motto? Do you have special UV-resistant clothing and accessories that you use for protection? Post a comment below and let me know!

  • Auteur: Bram
  • European cities, touristic beaches and impressive landscapes and countryside. As a European traveller, I have been to many places and I like writing about my travels so I can share my experiences and tips.


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