Going camping due to corona: a camping holiday is hip!
14 October, 2021
It was more obvious than ever this year, camping is hip! Maybe you also searched for a place to go camping in 2021; if so, you’re not alone. Many people chose to go camping due to corona, and for a very good reason: camping is relaxing and you can do it incredibly safely.
Carefree on holiday
My colleague Jorik also liked the idea of a holiday at a campsite. ‘We wanted to be certain that the holiday would go ahead and that we could enjoy a carefree holiday’, commented Jorik. He went camping again for the first time in seven years and I spoke to him and his boyfriend Pim about their experiences. For the past six years they had only booked with Airbnb, mostly in Spain or Curaçao. This year they pitched their tent at a campsite in Zeeland. ‘We were worried in case the facilities in the hotels would be closed. We felt more at ease at a campsite, because we had more freedom.’

Jorik and Pim borrowed a tent from friends.
Camping for the first time (again)
Pim and Jorik went camping with experienced campers who had often enjoyed staying at this campsite. Pim: ‘I really advise this if you’re going camping for the first time: ask about experiences, go with experienced campers or visit a campsite that is already familiar to your friends.’ Because they didn’t know if camping was something for them, they borrowed a small tent from friends. Luckily it turned out to be really great!
Tips for a holiday in Zeeland
- Take your own bikes or rent bikes. Jorik and Pim rented bikes for the entire week. That way you can leave your car where it is and explore the surroundings by bike. You can cycle easily to lovely villages, beaches and restaurants. If you rent a bike, ask them about any interesting routes and sights in the vicinity. If you want to rent bikes for a number of days in high season, you would be well advised to reserve them in advance. You can even rent bikes, e-bikes or mountain bikes at many campsites.
- If you have a sweet tooth, be sure to buy a ‘Zeeuwse Bolus‘ pastry at a real bakery to enjoy with your coffee!
- Visit one of the extensive Zeeland beaches at sunset. Romantic, and the perfect time to take some lovely shots. Jorik has already been doing that!

Take the loveliest photos at sunset.
A toilet roll under your arm? Not any more.
Pim: ‘I was worried about the ‘toilet roll under my arm’ thing. That you would have to walk fifty metres in the middle of the night to get to the toilet block and then wait in line with a toilet roll under your arm. Thankfully that’s no longer the case.’ The need to bring your own toilet roll to the campsite is mostly a thing of the past, to big relief of many new campers. But you can enjoy even more luxury; since the corona pandemic, camping pitches with private toilet facilities have been springing up everywhere. That’s ideal if you don’t like the idea of sharing your toilet or shower with your neighbours.
Camping is incredibly safe
Camping is incredibly safe, even if you don’t have private toilet facilities. Campsites pay great attention to hygiene, as Pim and Jorik found out: ‘The facilities were spacious and felt clean. You had to reserve a time slot for the swimming pool and in the toilet block there was a route marked out that you had to follow. Everything was well organised and we had no concerns about it. That was really good.’

Campsites pay great attention to safety and hygiene
Real nostalgia
What’s it like to go camping for the first time in seven years? ‘Lots of wonderful memories came flooding back, such as doing the washing up together and playing games. Things you used to enjoy have become fun once again. Real nostalgia!’ And, will they be going again next year? Jorik: ‘Yes, now that we have crossed that threshold, but I would like to go further south. Maybe take a round trip, if that’s possible.’ We wish Jorik and Pim lots of enjoyment!
Time to go on the road
If you also want to experience a camping adventure, book a camping pitch, mobile home or glamping accommodation at one of our (Dutch) campsites. And what could be better than having your own camping equipment? Most campers start with a tent but you can, of course, buy your own motorhome or caravan instead. You’ll certainly not be alone; according to figures released by the Dutch motor trade organisation BOVAG, 6500 new caravans were registered in the Netherlands up to June 2021; that is more than 29 per cent higher than in January to June 2020. Moreover, according to BOVAG, almost as many motorhomes were sold in the Netherlands up to August 2021 as in the whole of 2020. If buying a motorhome, caravan or trailer tent is too big a step for you, you can rent one to try it out.

Camping in Zeeland means: off to the beach again!
Camping for beginners
If you’re ready for it, Jorik and Pim have some practical camping tips for you:
- Make a list in advance of useful things to take with you. A comfortable air bed or mat, for example, flip flops for in the shower, a table lamp so you can play games in the evening, a washing line and a camping stove.
- In any case, take two comfortable changes of clothes for when you are on the campsite:
- Swimming costume and flip flops for during the day
- A comfortable jogging suit in case it cools down in the evening.
- Take a shower when it’s not so busy on the campsite. That way you have more chance of a quiet toilet block and a decent jet of water in the shower.
- It’s a great advantage to have a bread service on the campsite. That way you will have fresh bread every morning within walking distance!
And what did you choose this year? Did you also go camping due to corona?
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